Antonella Guzzo

Short Bio

Antonella Guzzo is an associate professor of Computer Engineering at the DIMES Department, University of Calabria, Italy. From 2018 she has the Italian national scientific qualification to Full Professor, SSD ING-INF/05, sector 09/H1. Previously, she was a research fellow in the High Performance Computing and Networks Institute (ICAR-CNR), National Research Council, Italy. She is member of the Ph. D. board in ICT at University of Calabria.

Her research interests include process mining, data mining, artificial intelligence and deep learning. She authored more than 75 papers in top international journals and conferences.

She serves as reviewer for over 20 international journals and as Program Committee (PC) member in many international conferences and workshops.

Since 2005 she has been involved in national and international research projects as member and/or responsible of unit.

Here we just listed the more recent project where she has been involved as scientific coordinator/responsible:

  • Since 2018 she is responsible of SON- Distributed​ ​Ledgers​ ​for​ ​Secure​ ​Open​ ​Communities, a project funded by the Italian Minister aiming at studying new methods, techniques and software solutions able to play an enabling role for Blockchain technologies in privacy, sharing economy and digital rights application contexts.
  • From 2017 to 2019 she was responsible of the Project: Protect ID: Processi e tecnologie innovative per la protezione delle identità digitali e delle in- formazioni personali in rete, funded by the Italian PON-MISE Grandi Progetti di R&S di giugno 2016.
  • From 2016 to 2019 she was responsible of unit for the project “Identità digitale e Service Accountability” (IDService) funded by the Italian PON-MISE Grandi Progetti di R&S di giugno 2016.

Since 2004 she has been charged with teaching activities at the University of Calabria, University Magna Graecia, where he was involved as assistant in many courses. More recently, he taught “Fundamentals of Computer Science” and “Process Mining” courses.

Since 2020 (the first edition) she was organizer for the University of Calabria of CyberChallenge.IT , a training program for young talents between 16 and 23. This is the main Italian initiative to identify, attract, recruit and place the next generation of cybersecurity professionals .

She is member of IEEE. She is cofounder of EVO-BI S.r.l., a spinoff focused on Business Intelligence. She is also socia of OKT a spin-off that is  is part of Relatech group, based on Milan, Italy.

She is member and cofounder of the IEEE task force in process mining and she is member of the IEEE Working Group for the definition of the Standard XES – eXtensible Event Stream.